Since 1996, Early Music Michigan has been performing early music in a dynamic, varied, and historically informed manner that honors this body of rare and ancient musical treasures, the artistic voice, and the humanity of collaborative music making. We welcome new singers and instrumentalists who would like to perform with us!

In Memoriam

Early Music Michigan was greatly saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. Clifford Davidson on June 4, 2024. Cliff and his late wife, Dr. Audrey Jean Davidson, were very active in the musical community in Kalamazoo and both taught at Western Michigan University. He was a passionate and generous supporter of EMM, having served on our Board of Directors for many years, and was overjoyed to hear that EMM was coming back. We dedicated our most recent concert, “The Guiding Star: Pilgrimage Songs from Medieval Iberia,” to Cliff. He was very special to EMM, and he will be missed.

About Early Music Michigan

EMM specializes in bringing to the public rarely performed music dating back hundreds of years, as well as music from our own time, performed in beautiful spaces with wonderful acoustics. As an early music ensemble emphasizing historically informed performance, we occupy a valuable niche, providing music and creative programming that would not otherwise be available in the greater Kalamazoo area.

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Support EMM

Your tax-deductible gift ensures that our unique form of music will continue to be available in Kalamazoo at a reasonable price.
EIN: 38-3296106